A first youth meeting of the group of companies JSC "KazMunaiGaz - Refining and Marketing"

A first youth meeting of the group of companies JSC "KazMunaiGaz - Refining and Marketing" was held On September 4-5, 2015 at Atyrau Refinery. A program of the meeting was very intense. Within two days young specialists, representing three oil refineries of Kazakhstan, exchanged opinions, debated on various topics, acquainted with a work of the Atyrau Refinery and took part in team building (team games) during an outdoor recreation.
The youth meeting began with an excursion to the refinery. Objects of existing production, installations, constructed during "Japanese" reconstruction and a complex for production of aromatic hydrocarbons were shown to guests. Then, a meeting "without ties" took place in a hall of an unified operator. General Director of the "Atyrau Refinery" LLP Kairat Urazbaev appealed with welcome speech to participants of the youth meeting.
- Our future - is you, our youth. An average age of our employees is 39 years old, and youth is more than 30% of the collective and it pleases us. Deep and purposeful work on attraction and identification of the most talented youth, having a basic knowledge in the professional sphere, understanding and accepting corporate values of production, motivated on a high result of a personal contribution to success is carried out. For this purpose, memorandums of training of specialists were concluded with leading technical universities of the country by our refinery, training of highly qualified specialists on “Zhas Maman” and “Young specialist” programs is conducted. Moreover, there are two programs: "Career and career growth of young specialists on production" and preparation for participation in competition “Best in Profession " , which give a good opportunity for young employees without work experience to show their potential.
After that, Kairat Urazbaev answered to participants' questions. General director of the Atyrau Refinery wished for youth to be more initiative, to be able to adapt under time, which is very fleeting, and to work harder on yourself.
In the afternoon, participants of the youth meeting visited a training center of the Atyrau Refinery and exchanged views during a panel discussion.
In the evening on September 4 participants of the first youth meeting became audience of a gala –concert ""Youth of Atyrau Refinery: with love to the hometown!", passed in Isatay Makhambet Square, and on Saturday, September 5 together with collective of the "Atyrau Refinery" LLP participants went on outdoor recreation, where took part in team building.

"Atyrau Refinery» LLP: An owner of share - 99.5% is "KazMunaiGaz – Refining and Marketing" JSC. "KazMunaiGaz – Refining and Marketing" JSC – is 100% subsidiary of JSC NC "KazMunayGas".
JSC National Company “KazMunayGas "- is the Kazakhstan national operator for exploration, production, refining and transportation of hydrocarbons. 100 percent of shares of JSC NC "KazMunayGas" are owned by «Sovereign wealth fund “Samruk-Kazyna " JSC.

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